I had a lovely time shopping with Miss Bea today :) And boy, can the two of us do some fabric shopping. Neither clouds nor rain nor grumpy chauffeurs (thank you, dad) kept us from our appointed spending.

We hit Joann's first. The NFL fabric is the backing for my next quilt. Thank goodness for 50% off coupons. I really really really wanted that fabric, but did not want to pay full price for it. Turns out half of my bobbins didn't work with my new machine, so I picked up some replacements. I didn't actually need the yard of batik or the novelty FQ's, but, um, they were on sale.
A bite of lunch & then on to one of the very few LQS within a fifty mile radius.

Pretty, huh? I think that will just about cover the Pet Quilt as far as the colored fabrics go. I still need a very light cream for the background fabric, & a few shades of rust for one of the dogs. Oh, & some white on white tonal. I think everything else can be "shopped" from my stash.
I'll probably be on a buying moratorium until for a while. At least until I get the Steelers top done, anyway. Well, unless we find another dollar a yard sale like we did last year, then all bets are off :)
Love the colors for the pet quilt!